Thread Lifts

Aging of the face is linked to a combination of external factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and skin dehydration, as well as intrinsic factors like volume loss, skin laxity, and tissue ptosis due to gravity.

Over time, nasolabial folds and a breakdown of the facial contour will appear.

Thread lifts counteract sagging through a non-surgical technique. This innovative method, used in aesthetic medicine and surgery, was invented by Dr. SULAMANIDZE (plastic surgeon, Moscow, Aptos threads©), who aimed to simply and effectively treat the early signs of facial and neck sagging.

Thread lift placement under local anesthesia is a relatively quick but effective technique. Bruising may occur, and slight tingling may be felt for a few days, which will fade within five to ten days.

What does this technique involve?

Under local anesthesia, long barbed threads (suspension threads) are placed under the skin to “reposition” tissues that have suffered the effects of aging described above. The aim of tissue repositioning is to achieve a natural lifting effect on certain facial structures.

This technique is also known as “filting,” “Aptos thread lift©,” “barbed threads,” “suspension threads,” or “thread lift.”

SPRING THREAD © Barbed Threads

Spring Thread © barbed threads are elastic threads with protrusions that help fight facial sagging. These latest-generation threads are made of flexible and elastic silicone and polyester, allowing for tension distribution along the entire length of the thread, ensuring a natural suspension that neither sags nor interferes with facial expressions. About 32 cm long, these threads are biocompatible and non-absorbable. Like other threads in the same family, they allow for the gripping of sagging areas and their repositioning, providing a very natural effect.

Who is this treatment for?

Indications include:

  • Descent of the eyebrow tail or the entire eyebrow and slight lift of the upper eyelid;
  • Treatment of the cheeks and nasolabial folds;
  • Restoration of the facial contour and elimination of jowls.

The treatment does not involve skin excision or tissue detachment.

Associated Techniques:

  • Resurfacing or fractional laser CO2 peeling is the most effective for treating wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, and some pigmentation spots, restoring some of the skin’s elasticity.
  • Lipofilling or filling the face with fat taken from the patient (autologous graft) can also help restore certain volumes.
  • Double chin liposculpture: neck liposuction with micro-cannulas will reduce the volume of fat under the chin and cause slight skin retraction (see Dr. Y-G ILLOUZ, Paris).

Frequently Asked Questions about Thread Lifts

1. Where do thread lifts come from?

The idea comes from a Russian doctor, Dr. Sulamanidze from Moscow, who aimed to treat the early signs of facial and neck sagging simply and effectively.

2. What are the advantages of thread lifts?

The thread lift technique is a real alternative for people who want to reposition certain facial volumes but do not want cosmetic surgery.

  • Minimally traumatic
  • Little to no postoperative pain
  • No general anesthesia
  • 5 mm scars hidden by hair
  • Minimal social or professional downtime

3. Who are thread lifts for?

They are mainly intended for middle-aged individuals (men or women) who want to correct facial sagging.

4. When can thread lifts be used?

Thread lifts can correct moderate ptosis of the lower face, cheeks, temples, and neck laxity. In other words:

  • When there is a loss of the facial contour;
  • When there are nasolabial folds;
  • When the cheekbone needs to be repositioned;
  • When eyebrows need to be lifted;

Can thread lifts be combined with other techniques?

All classic injection techniques (hyaluronic acid, Radiesse©, lipofilling or injection of one’s own fat, botulinum toxin, etc.) or skin treatments (peelings, resurfacings, etc.) are of course possible.

6. What technique is used?

There are different types of threads, all of which have surface reliefs that allow them to cling to tissues.

7. How does the procedure work?

The patient’s face is cleaned to avoid any risk of infection, and the procedure follows aseptic rules. Preliminary markings are made, leaving attenuated but visible lines to guide the passage of the threads. The face is anesthetized, and then the threads are introduced through a small incision. Once the desired placement is achieved, the threads are cut at the skin level, and their ends are buried. Dressings and bandages are then applied.

8. When can results be expected?

Results are immediate, but the situation will evolve over several weeks as the threads cause a skin reaction (fibrosis) that will envelop them. The final results will be visible after 3 months, and the effect of these threads will last on average 2 to 4 years.

9. Is the procedure dangerous?

Besides bruising, redness, and possible pain, predictable consequences of thread placement include sensations of tension and limitation of certain movements. These sensations disappear after a few days. It is recommended to avoid hot drinks, chewing efforts, and sports initially. PHOTOS

You can find photos of treatment results on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Medical Council and Belgian law. That is why we do not show any here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information on the subjects that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you so that you can judge and appreciate the results.

Would you like explanations and details specific to your situation? Come see us for a consultation.