Permanent Laser Hair Removal

The laser emits a coherent light that is very powerful and monochromatic, meaning one single wavelength.

The laser beam is absorbed by black or brown colors, which means that only dark hair can be treated. Currently, no machine can remove blonde or gray hair!

All areas of the body can be treated.

Hair Cycles and Sessions

Not all hair grows at the same time, and you only see a part of your hair. The other part is in a resting phase that can last several months. The session is only effective on hair in the growth phase (anagen), and to exhaust the hair in an area, it must be treated multiple times over a period of 12 to 18 months. 6 to 8 (or even 10) sessions may be needed to destroy 95% of the hair. Since the bulb is the target of our treatment, waxing or tweezing is prohibited during the treatment. However, the skin must be clean-shaven, that is, shaved with a razor (or depilatory cream) 1 to 2 days before each session. After each session, it is recommended to use a moisturizing or anti-inflammatory cream such as Flammazine© or Biafine©.


It depends on regrowth, the area treated, and initial hairiness. Typical schedule:

  • 4 weeks between the first and second session;
  • 4 to 6 weeks between the second and third session;
  • 6 to 8 weeks between the other sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a laser?

The word L.A.S.E.R. is an acronym that stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The laser is therefore a light: it has only one color and is defined by its wavelength. The laser light passes through the epidermis and dermis in search of its specific target, which is the melanin in the hair (color); when the target is reached, it absorbs this light, which transforms into heat: it is this thermal effect that destroys the hair. To destroy the hair and particularly its root (bulb), it is imperative to act during the growth phase (anagen) of the hair when the hair shaft is still lodged in the root and the melanin concentration is the densest. Not all the hairs in a given area are in their growth phase at the same time, so the destruction of all the hairs requires several sessions.

The laser is a medical device that is adjusted according to each patient’s skin type and hair color. The laser emits a fine light whose wavelength targets melanin, one of the hair’s components. This light passes through the skin protected by a cooling system to reach the follicle and thus alter its ability to produce hair. Your skin is respected. The laser used is called “Alexandrite”.

What are the advantages of laser hair removal?

After the main treatment, there is over 90% non-regrowth on the entire body, which represents a real comfort in life; certain areas such as the armpits or bikini line can often show 100% non-regrowth of existing hair. Not to mention that any remaining hair is always lighter and finer. All areas of the face and body can be treated, for both women and men.

Laser hair removal is an excellent therapy for ingrown hairs or cases of hypertrichosis.

How many sessions are needed? At what frequency?

Each person has a unique hair capital, which is why the number of sessions varies from one person to another. On average, 6 to 10 sessions on most areas except the face, which may require more! The spacing between two hair removal sessions also varies depending on the person and the areas. It is about 4 weeks between the first and second session, 4 to 6 weeks between the second and third session, and 6 to 8 weeks between the other sessions.

Are there any contraindications?

Pregnancy, tanning, and treatments on children are the only absolute contraindications. Dark skin and photosensitizing treatments require treatment precautions. As for bleached or white hair, the laser cannot eliminate them at all. Contraindications are relative in cases of injuries, infections, inflammations, and photosensitizing medications.

In any case:

The skin must be completely white during each laser treatment. Specifically, this means that the skin CANNOT BE EXPOSED to the SUN or TANNING BEDS for at least 12 weeks before and 4 weeks after each treatment. Walking, cycling, and gardening are activities that are also considered sun exposure. The skin must always be protected with total sunscreen (SPF 50+).

What are the post-treatment effects?

Immediately after the session, the skin is more or less red, and a small, completely normal swelling may appear at the base of each hair. These reactions are proof of effective hair removal; they last only a few hours and are alleviated by the regular application of a fatty substance such as Flammazine or Biafine.

Laser hair removal goes unnoticed, even on the face, since immediate makeup is allowed. On dark skin, a change in pigmentation can sometimes occur, but it is temporary and disappears with the first exposure to the sun.

Is it dangerous?

A laser can never cause cancer, but it is necessary to avoid exposing nevi and other “brown spots” to the laser. Any medical laser has a specific utility, and the main risk associated with its use is skin burns. A well-calibrated laser does not burn the skin while being effective. It is the competence and experience of the treating DOCTOR that determines the quality of laser hair removal.

Is it painful?

The treatment involves a series of pulses accompanied by a tingling and slight burning sensation. The sensation of the treatment can be compared to that of a series of snaps with a rubber band. Most patients tolerate this treatment without anesthesia. Patients who wish can benefit from topical anesthesia with a cream. In the minutes following the treatment, the skin of the treated area becomes pink, and patients may feel like they have a sunburn, but this sensation disappears quickly.

What is the difference between laser hair removal and other hair removal methods?

Laser hair removal allows for quick treatment of a large area, produces longer-lasting depilation, and gradually alters hair regrowth.

Who can undergo laser hair removal?

Anyone who meets the above conditions and wants to be free from traditional hair removal or get rid of unsightly hair. Both men and women have access to this treatment. In addition to the time and money saved with laser hair removal, it provides an appropriate response to ingrown hair problems, which are common in the bikini area for women and the beard area for men.

Is it an expensive treatment?

It depends on the number of areas to be treated. But it should be seen as an investment.


  • Absolute: children, pregnancy, tanning;
  • Relative: injuries, infections, inflammations, photosensitizing medications.

Cosmetic treatments are not covered by social security.

The skin must be completely white during each laser treatment. Specifically, this means that the skin CANNOT be exposed to the sun or UV (tanning beds, solarium, etc.) for at least 12 weeks before and 4 weeks after each treatment. Walking, cycling, or playing sports and gardening are activities also considered sun exposure!! The skin must always be protected with total sunscreen (SPF 50+).

If you present yourself tanned at the consultation, despite these instructions, it will prevent us from carrying out the treatment. We would then be obliged to charge you a compensation equivalent to 50% of the amount due for the planned treatment for the reserved time.

Treatments lasting less than half an hour must be canceled at least 72 hours in advance. Longer treatments (i.e., longer than 30 minutes) must be canceled at least one week in advance.


You can find photos of treatment results on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Medical Council and Belgian law. That is why we do not show any here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information on the subjects that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you so that you can judge and appreciate the results.

Would you like explanations and details specific to your situation? Come see us for a consultation.