KTP Laser

What is the role of the laser?

The laser (such as KTP) is an emitter of highly concentrated and monochromatic light (i.e., it has only one wavelength). Like any laser, it has a specific target, in this case, the color red. When the laser beam hits its target, there is a “photo-thermal shock” that converts light into heat; this heat selectively burns the targeted structures and, after a healing period, causes the fine superficial veins (telangiectasias) to disappear. It is a controlled burn.

Is it painful?

Each laser shot causes a sensation of a sting on the skin, which is not very painful but can make the treatment unpleasant despite its remarkable effectiveness.

When will the results be visible?

As with any superficial burn, there is a healing time; the period can take several weeks.

What about pigmented spots?

Since the absorption of KTP laser radiation also occurs in brown color, it is possible to treat certain pigmented spots (face, back of the hands, etc.) after a precise diagnosis of their nature.

What about leg telangiectasias?

Small dilated blood vessels on the surface of the lower limbs can be eliminated through micro-sclerosis (a fine needle injects a substance that causes chemical sclerosis of these vessels). The use of the laser can, in one or more sessions, cause the disappearance of some vessels (those of red color).


Photos of treatment results can be found on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Medical Order and Belgian law. This is why we do not show them here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information on the topics that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you so that you can judge and appreciate the results.

If you would like explanations and details about yourself personally, come and meet us for a consultation.