Cryolipolysis or Fat Cell Destruction by Freezing

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technique that allows for the reduction of localized fat deposits.

This process is not painful and its application is simple.

The skin and underlying adipose tissue are introduced into a special applicator. This applicator allows for a triple thermal shock.

First, the fat is heated, allowing it to take a liquid form, then it is cooled and frozen, and finally brought back to body temperature.

This protocol runs automatically and lasts for one hour.

The technique causes neither pain nor discomfort.

To achieve a good reduction of the volume to be destroyed, two to three sessions are necessary, spaced about three to four weeks apart.

In each session, it can be observed that more than 30% of fat cells will be destroyed: some will be eliminated on site while others will be eliminated through stool. The destruction of these cells occurs through a process called “apoptosis”.

After each session, the result can be visible about three weeks later.

Even fibrous adipose tissue responds to this treatment.

The treated areas include: abdomen, waist, back, arms, hips, saddlebags, knees, and chin.

In the postoperative period, no special care such as antibiotics or wearing a compression garment is necessary.

Similarly, no long-term adverse effects are observed.

However, bruises are sometimes noted locally.

Each treatment is followed by an application of a “SHOCK WAVE,” a vibration applied to the treated area to enhance the freezing effect by weakening the cell membranes.