Esthetic Medicine – Clinique Les Lauriers

The decision to see an esthetic doctor or surgeon is never a trivial one. It responds to a very personal desire to improve one’s own image by removing what is often perceived as an inconvenience, or simply by fulfilling a wish whose realization will allow you to feel better in your skin, younger, in short, more in line with that famous self-image.

It is precisely these inconveniences and desires that the first consultation with your doctor will help to identify: to help you decipher your real motivations and advise you precisely on the appropriate techniques and expected results.

Because the goal of an esthetic intervention is not only its “technical” success. The main factor of success is undoubtedly the satisfaction, the happiness of the patient. A true relationship of trust must be established between the doctor and you: the practice of any intervention must be the result of mutual collaboration between practitioner and patient, it must be done with full knowledge, and both its principle and its course and consequences will be fully explained to you to avoid any future disappointment.

Your physical appearance reflects and shows who you are or what you would like to be or convey. And current esthetic techniques can respond to this with increasing precision and lasting results, while achieving a much more “natural” effect, less “frozen” than with past techniques.

They now make it possible to correct the effects of time and the small or large defects that prevent you from achieving well-being. These treatments and techniques simply allow you to take care of yourself in a lasting and perfectly safe way. Your doctor is there to reassure you, alleviate your apprehensions, and answer all your questions.

Our expertise also guarantees the quality of our treatments. More than 30 years of expertise in Esthetic Medicine.