Breast Treatment

Breasts are inherently a symbol of femininity

Please note that the legislation regarding the use of MACROLANE has recently changed and its use in breasts is now prohibited. Our page is not yet updated but will be shortly. Thank you for your understanding.

Over time, due to pregnancies or aging, breasts undergo various transformations. The result will be a loss of volume, firmness, and sagging (ptosis). Additionally, their volume may, in some cases, be or appear insufficient. The situation is not inevitable. Indeed, until recently, the only solution was to surgically implant a prosthesis.

For the past few years, a new, medical solution has emerged: MACROLANE© injections.

This product is a new application of a well-known medical product. It has been used for decades, particularly in ophthalmology, orthopedics, and wrinkle treatment. It is hyaluronic acid, a natural component of our tissues (skin, synovial fluid).

The treatment is performed by a doctor or surgeon trained in this technique. It is done under local anesthesia and does not require work interruption; the period following the procedure may cause discomfort (bruises, feeling of tension) that products like paracetamol generally resolve quickly. The improvements are undeniable, and the results remain stable for 18 months to 2 years. It is then possible to repeat the procedure, sometimes sooner, to maintain the obtained result.

This product can also restore volume to the buttocks, calves, backs of hands, the pectoral area (men), or treat imperfections left by certain procedures (liposuction) or trauma.

As with any medical intervention, a consultation with the practitioner is necessary to conduct the medical history, clinical examination, take photos, and show the patient examples of results.

Frequently Asked Questions about Macrolane©

Where does Macrolane© come from?

This product is a new application of a well-known medical product. It has been used for decades, particularly in ophthalmology, orthopedics, and wrinkle treatment. It is hyaluronic acid, a natural component of our tissues (skin, synovial fluid).

What are the advantages of Macrolane©?

This product can restore volume to the breasts, enhance their shape, and provide a slight lifting effect.

Who is Macrolane© for?

For patients who, over time, have seen their breasts undergo changes due to aging or pregnancies: loss of volume, firmness, or sagging. Or for patients whose breast volume, in some cases, is or appears insufficient.

When can Macrolane© be used?

In the cases described above: patients who are eligible for implants but prefer a non-surgical approach.

Can Macrolane© be combined with other techniques?

This request should be discussed with the doctor or surgeon.

What is the technique used?

It involves creating a virtual space between the muscle and the breast gland to inject Macrolane©.

How does the procedure take place?

Under local anesthesia and rigorous asepsis.

When can you expect to see results?

Results are immediately visible, but as with any procedure, a period of 3 to 6 months is necessary to assess the final result.

Is the procedure dangerous?

As with any procedure, a preoperative assessment is essential. Additionally, as it concerns the breasts, a mammogram is necessary.


Photos of treatment results are found on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Order of Physicians and Belgian law. That is why we do not show them here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information about the topics that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you, so you can judge and appreciate the results.

Do you want explanations and details about yourself? Come meet us for a consultation.