Botox: From the Origin of This Technique to Its Applications

Botox© (botulinum neurotoxin type A) is a drug produced by a bacterium: CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM.

This bacterium has been the cause of massive poisonings due to the ingestion of contaminated food. In BOTOX©, only the toxin is retained, and there are no bacteria in this product.

Botox© has been used since the early 1970s (1973) for the treatment of eyelid spasms and certain vision disorders. After ophthalmology, it was used in neurology (spasmodic torticollis, “writer’s cramp”, spastic disorders in children), gastroenterology (achalasia of the cardia), and urology (bladder spasms).

It made its appearance in esthetics following observations by Drs. Jean and Alastair CARRUTHERS in the late 1980s. Today, millions of Botox© injections have been performed worldwide. Other toxins also exist: DYSPORT©, VISTABEL©, AZZALURE©. Further research highlighted Botox©’s action on perspiration.

1. How does the procedure work, and what results can be expected?

For the armpits, the hair should be shaved the day before treatment, and any use of deodorant should be stopped from that moment. A dye is applied to the area to be treated to clearly mark the active sweat glands, facilitating injections (Minor’s test).

Several injections of botulinum toxin (BOTOX©, DYSPORT©, VISTABEL©, AZZALURE©) are performed. The first results appear around the second day; the result is optimal after about a week and will last 6 to 9 months. After that, the treatment can be repeated.

Some treatments can enhance the effect of Botox©: antibiotics based on aminoglycosides (Streptomycin©, Tobramycin©, and Garamycin©), penicillamine, quinine, and calcium channel blockers (Calan©, Cardizem©, Dilacor©, Norvasc©, Procardia©, Verelan©).

An anamnesis will determine if you are in one of these situations.

2. Is the effectiveness of this treatment guaranteed?

Scientific research has proven that 90% of patients benefit from this treatment and sweat much less (or even not at all) for a long time (between six and twelve months). Moreover, it should be noted that the quantities injected are small.

3. Can the injections be repeated?

To maintain results, it is entirely possible to repeat this treatment indefinitely without health risks. Generally, botulinum toxin injections (BOTOX©, DYSPORT©, VISTABEL©, AZZALURE©) for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) are repeated every 6 to 9 months.

4. Where on the body can injections be made?

The armpits, hands, and feet. However, in these last two cases, since the injections are painful, a neurologist will generally perform the treatment after anesthesia.

5. Is it painful?

In the armpits, not at all. Anesthesia with anesthetic cream (EMLA©) can be performed by applying the ointment locally one hour before treatment.

6. Do I need to shave?

The bacteria responsible for odor cling to the hairs, so shaving (possibly long-term with laser) can provide part of the solution.

7. What is iontophoresis?

Hands are soaked 2 to 3 times a week in basins filled with saltwater through which an electric current flows for about twenty minutes. This technique can be done in the hospital or at home. You will feel tingling during the session.

8. How does the toxin work?

In the area where it is injected, botulinum toxin “blocks” the action of cholinergic nerves, responsible for stimulating the glands. By reducing this stimulation, it prevents hyperactive secretion, leaving only light and normal secretion.

9. Side effects and safety of this treatment?

The action of the toxin is temporary and local, and its diffusion in the surrounding tissues is minimal. Given the location and quantities injected, no side effects are described, although sometimes there is “sensitivity” at the injection site. However, small bruises may appear (caution when taking aspirin©).

What are the contraindications to BOTOX© injections?

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain neuromuscular diseases (Lambert-Eaton syndrome)

Facial rejuvenation with botulinum toxin treatment (Botox©, Vistabel©, Dysport©, etc.)

Wrinkles sometimes appear suddenly. Or at least, we suddenly notice them! And it sometimes becomes an obsession – but current light treatments can really boost your morale and erase these wrinkles and fine lines. 

The BOTOX Solution

Botulinum toxin type A (Botox©, Vistabel©, Dysport©, etc.) is a neurotoxin, meaning it is a toxin that can block muscle overactivity. It is particularly indicated for treating wrinkles in the upper face formed by facial muscle overactivity and is very effective for frown lines and crow’s feet.

Upper facial wrinkles include:

  1. Horizontal forehead wrinkles
  2. Frown lines between the eyebrows
  3. Crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes

Botulinum toxin (Botox©, Vistabel©, Dysport©, etc.) injected in small amounts directly into the facial muscles blocks this overactivity, smoothing the wrinkles, relaxing the features, and giving the face a serene appearance.


You can find photos of treatment results on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Medical Council and Belgian law. That is why we do not show any here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information on the subjects that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you so that you can judge and appreciate the results.

Would you like explanations and details specific to your situation? Come see us for a consultation.