
For many years now, thanks to liposculpture (liposuction), you can achieve a sculpted and refined body where exercise, diets, and various creams have failed to eliminate your curves.

Liposculpture is currently a procedure that offers spectacular and very rapid results.

Liposculpture is increasingly popular worldwide; it is the most performed procedure among all aesthetic requests.

The Solution

Liposculpture can significantly reduce your waist circumference or hip width. Your overall silhouette becomes much more harmonious.

What is Liposculpture?

Liposculpture is an aesthetic treatment that permanently eliminates localized fat deposits generally found between the waist and the calves, including the hips, abdomen, saddlebags, knees, but also the chin and arms. For a good result, the practitioner pays particular attention to the quality of the skin, as this determines the final outcome of the liposculpture.

The Treatment

Liposculpture is an aesthetic treatment that involves removing fat cells. The practitioner makes small incisions in the skin (3-4mm) to insert a fine cannula connected to a suction pump to remove the fat cells. A back-and-forth movement of the cannula will eliminate the fat precisely and evenly. Local anesthesia is used to numb the treated areas throughout the procedure, and that’s it! You can go home right after the procedure. You need to wear a compression garment (lipopanty©) for a month. It is recommended to rest on the first day, but you can resume your normal activities the next day. No sports for a month. Bruises may appear and gradually disappear after a week, depending on the individual.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why consider Liposculpture?

Because despite diets, creams, exercises, or pregnancies, stubborn fat bulges resist! Because you are not losing weight where you want and feel discouraged. Liposculpture reshapes your body and gives a harmonious shape to your silhouette: it is the most performed aesthetic procedure in the world today!

What areas of the body can liposculpture treat?

With Liposculpture, you can regain a wasp waist, fit into your favorite tight jeans, or wear mini-skirts as you wish. Liposculpture permanently eliminates, among other things, the notorious saddlebags. You can also achieve a flat and firm abdomen, a slimmer waist, and say goodbye to love handles! The buttocks can also be reshaped, and the thighs resculpted. Liposculpture also offers excellent results for knees, calves, ankles, arms, and double chins.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure lasts an average of 2 to 3 hours, depending on the amount of fat to be removed and the number of body areas to be treated.

Is the treatment painful?

No, because the practitioner anesthetizes locally as the procedure progresses in the treated areas. Some people may experience bruising and soreness that will disappear after a few days, varying from person to person.

Are the results permanent?

Yes, because the fat removed by liposuction does not reappear. The fat cells where the fat develops have been eliminated, and the body does not produce new ones after puberty. This explains why the result is permanent.

Are the results visible quickly?

At the end of the procedure, you can already enjoy your new shapes. The overall result is visible between 3 and 6 months. It is recommended to eat healthily and exercise.

Will I have scars?

Small scars (2 to 4mm) that will become almost invisible over time.

Is liposculpture an alternative to dieting?

No. After the procedure, you are still advised not to indulge in excesses and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Is liposculpture only for women?

No. Liposculpture is increasingly performed on men. Specific areas for treatment include love handles, stomach, abdomen, or double chin, as well as the chest (“gynecomastia”). In just a few hours, their bodies can also be reshaped.


Photos of treatment results can be found on many websites, but their presence is now condemned by the Medical Order and Belgian law. This is why we do not show them here. However, it is legitimate for you to obtain personalized information on the topics that concern you. During your consultation, many photos will be shown to you so that you can judge and appreciate the results.